It’s hard for us to think of anything more gratifying than helping couples ensure that they have everything they need for an awesome, life-long marriage.

Your marriage can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, but unfortunately, it can also be one of the most painful. Most people spend more time and effort training for their career than they ever do for their marriage.

Why aren’t we investing in the most important relationship of our lives?

We know it might seem strange to work on your relationship when there is seemingly no issue. But this is actually the best time for coaching. Learning solid skills and practices now, while your relationship is in a good place, can help keep you off the rocks in the years to come.

Most couples wait until there are large issues on the table before they reach out for help. At Thrive, our relationship and pre-marital coaching takes a preventative approach. We believe in being proactive in the pursuit of a fantastic relationship and aim to help couples rock their relationship from the very start.

Our message is simple: You have to put effort into anything that you want to last a lifetime; marriage is no different.


  1. Discover the strengths in your relationship and figure out how to get the most out of them

  2. Develop excellent communication and conflict resolution skills which enable you to tackle the toughest situations with respect and love

  3. Determine your main growth areas and gain skills to avoid common pitfalls in relationships

  4. Dedicate time and energy to figuring out the best ways to keep your love fun and exciting through the years

What is Possible with COACHING?

  • Understand how my partner feels loved

  • Learn to navigate conflict respectfully

  • Set short and long term goals together

  • Learn to communicate lovingly and effectively

  • Have some of the hard talks and learn to listen well

  • Figure out ways to keep the spark alive